Gail Porter must be a glutton for punishment as she has very kindly agreed to be part of the new book. My plan as a rule for the new book is not to revisit the wonderful people, such as Gail, who featured in the Lives & Times book and concentrate on getting a whole new set of people on board. However Gail has been a terrific supporter of my fundraising and didn't need a second invitation to be part of the new book as well. I know that since our last meeting two years ago plenty has happened in both our lives to give us plenty of new stuff to talk about. I am not going to say too much about what is planned for the photo yet, partly as I have still to decide the precise details, but I believe I am going to be in mortal peril! What I do know is that Gail is great fun and once again it will be a memorable experience meeting her. Seeing as she was a presenter on Top of the Pops it will be interesting to find out about the first record she bought.
All proceeds raised from sales of the new book are being to donated to the Beating Bowel Cancer charity. Bowel cancer is the second biggest cancer killer in the UK with 16,000 lives taken each year. However if it is caught early it is one of the most treatable with a 90% survival rate. My Mum passed away in August after a four year battle with bowel cancer.