Sunday 16 October 2016

Gaz Top Comes On Board The New Bowel Cancer Fundraising Book

Gareth Jones, also known as Gaz Top, has agreed to be in the new fundraising book I am doing for the Beating Bowel Cancer charity. It will be fascinating to get to know a little bit more about this larger than life character. He started out as a roadie with The Alarm before becoming a children's TV presenter during the 1980s and 1990s. As well as running his own television production company, these days Gareth writes and hosts a podcast, Gareth Jones On Speed.

In the last book, Lives & Times, I managed to get all four original members of The Alarm. The connection with my favourite band will very much continue in the new book. In addition to Gareth, I also have current band members James Stevenson and Smiley taking part. Hopefully there might still be more to come...

I have yet to begin the meeting and photographing people yet, but I am hopeful that I will start this pretty soon. If the last book is anything to go by, it's going to be such a positive and rewarding experience. My mother passed away at the end of August after losing her four year courageous battle with bowel cancer.

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